
TEKZEM is your ultimate starting place for student-focused result oriented IT education...

TEKZEM is a Private Limited company in India, operating in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), serving both International and Domestic Clients. Our office is located in Coimbatore in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. TEKZEM is an Integrated BPO office. A unique blended delivery model with a successful and profitable best meets with the client to fulfill their needful and useful requirements. We do provide them a good serivice by using our best consumers and skillful, talented and experienced resources

We are headquartered at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, which can boast of world class infrastructure for placements. We do also have the facility to train the consumers and we have a dedicated team of experienced and skillful professionals to assist the trainees for their needs and requirments who understands their learning capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of the training. We provide them a good classroom with the best infrastructure to train the students and for our professionals and graduates.

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Our Focus


  • Understanding the favourable and needful business requirements and creating a valuable result

  • Understanding the requirements of both the consumers and management

  • Staff competence and communications skills

  • Higher result producing service

  • Focus on the work on producing the result


  • To develop innovative and perfect product that is insisted byt the customers

  • To provide a good working and user friendly service

  • To be an ethical and good working business partner

  • To provide fair returns to our consumers and customers

  • To support our consumers in all beliefs